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Category Archives for About

Strategy / Approach

Step Ladder Economic and Social Program – provide integrated social and economic interventions from pre-departure; on-site and returnMigration Corridor – [...]

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Our Trainors

Ms. Estrella Mai Dizon-Anonuevo(Executive Director Atikha Overseas Workers and Communities Initiatives Inc.)Ms. Aileen Constantino-Peñas(Deputy Executive Director Atikha Overseas Workers and Communities Initiatives [...]

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Koop Balikabayani

Who can become members of Koop Balikabayani? An OFW resident of Region IV, 18 years to 70 years old can become [...]

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Photo Gallery

Trainers\' Training on Financial Planning and Counseling - Rome and Torino Italy (January 28 - February 07, 2011) Trainer\'s Training on [...]

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National Government Agencies National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating AgencyTechnical Education and Skills Development AuthorityDepartment of Labor [...]

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Vision, Mission and Objectives

VISION The communities of migrants are economically and socially developed through investment of migrant earning in productive and viable economic activities [...]

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